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    So Many Press Releases, So Little Time

    December 16, 2015

    HOLY CRAP the past 24 hours have been CRAZY with restaurant news in Saratoga. I’ll go through it all, in the order I received. Here we go! First off, everyone has been wondering what will happen to the former chef of Maestro’s, Danny Petrosino. Well, I have the answer and then some. To summarize the release below, I’m very sad to report that Capriccio Saratoga will officially be closing after January 1, 2016. The restaurant has been sold to none…

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  • Uncategorized

    Maestro’s Update: McGregor and More

    As many of you probably learned this week, Maestro’s announced that they’ll be moving into McGregor Links in the spring. While I had a feeling there was something cooking behind the scenes, I didn’t…

    December 6, 2015
  • News

    Santa at the Streetwalk

    After the news broke about Maestro’s, I know there have been a lot of mixed emotions. With a definitive close date of Saturday, November 14th, I’ve have a lot of people ask me… “but…

    November 8, 2015